So it's been a while, and I promise I have an excuse! I've been fairly busy, although I must admit that I have been consciously putting this off. Keeping this up is going to be harder than I thought!
I had the opportunity to attend a conference of the Pentecostal Students Association (PENSA) of Ghana last weekend in Valley Forge, PA. And it was the funnest thing I've done in a while! At least a thousand Ghanaian youth showed up - mostly Ghanaian natives, with a generous sprinkling of second and third gens. It almost felt like home - the music, the jokes, the laughter - and I realized, as the weekend progressed, just how much I missed being at home. And then it hit me - I've been away for two years. Two years. That's the longest I've ever been away. Just four years ago, I could not stand been away from my family for more than 12 hours - I avoided boarding school like the plague and had no plans whatsoever of leaving. In an age where teenagers seem to want to cut the bonds to their families, mine was the rock of my existence. My life revolved around home, school and church - these were my reference points. These points dictated my life. And now, I realize I've been removed from them for two years. These days, when I call home, I realize the laughter of my parents is a tad more distant, that the playful banter with my sister has gotten less vicious, and that my little brother doesn't quite know how to relate to me anymore. It's been too long - it's time to go home.
On reading, I'm slacking off - a lot. I'm supposed to have read 'A Case for Christ' and two other books by now, but I'm still stuck on 'A Case for Christ' partly because of the demands of my job and the excessive number of movies I've been watching. I'm hoping to be done reading that by early next week so I can move on - I have a long (and perhaps unrealistic) list of to-reads this summer. 'A Case for Christ' has been illuminating so far, asking the right questions and providing convincing answers for skeptics and the unsure Christian. I hope I can give you a rundown on that by next blog, when I hope to be done.
On research -- we have major progression! I'm looking at lamprey locomotion and how this effect called vortex shedding affects the forces on the body of the lamprey during swimming. In short, I'm going to model the swimming in MATLAB along with the vortex shedding effects. For this problem, I'm using code produced by a PhD candidate about six years ago, in which he modeled the swimming of a three-link robot. I'm tweaking this so that we can use it to the purpose I stated above. The code is THE most sophisticated program I've ever seen - there are at least 10 subroutines (Hey, I'm a MECHANICAL engineer!). That said, the real complexity lies in the math. MY GOD!! It's a lot of math but thankfully, I understand the code quite well now -- so let the tweaking begin! I'm going to make a movie of the motion of the three link robot sometime tomorrow, hopefully -- I'll post that up when it's done. I'm actually getting a kick out of this!
In other news, I'm learning to sightread. No, that's not quite right - the pianist in my church flew to South Korea for two months and apparently I'm first in line to fill the post of pianist! So, Kwesi must learn to sightread or perish! Until now, whatever I could play on the piano, I played from memory. But that won't do anymore so I'm crawling along and learning. However, its been fun so far and they're not putting too much pressure on me (my catch-phrase whenever something goes wrong: But I can't read!!) so it's actually nice and it will do me good. I'm no Chopin yet, but we're getting there.
Movies. Two words - too many. I can't even remember how many I've seen - Kill Bill, The Hangover, The Proposal etc and I'm seeing almost every movie that comes out... But it's summer, right? So what could go wrong??? Problem is this: new movies are popping up at a rate greater than I can realistically watch them. Not good - this could go horribly wrong! As it is, I'm sleeping at 5am everyday (lol).
And does anyone know of a cure for an addiction to Taylor Swift - because I fear my roommate might overdose soon. And it might be contagious, because I think I'm catching it too. (Fight it, aargh!)
Well, I've got to go -- except I have a rather funny (maybe not to you!) incident to recount. I went to CVS the other day and, for some inexplicable reason, I was comparing two boxes of Lipton Tea. I had no intention whatsoever of buying any tea. I had a lot of things in hand so I must have forgotten - all I know is I got to my room with two boxes of tea bags, 200 bags in total. 200 bags of tea! It's going to be a fun, over-caffeinated summer!
Shalom, Peace and Life to You!